Case Studies Featuring i-Vu Products

Schlegel Villages Senior Living Communities
Hear how Schlegel Villages Senior Living Communities are using the i-Vu Building Automation System to save energy and improve occupant comfort across multiple facilities in Canada.

Humber River Health / RCC Sites Testimonial
Hear how the Reactivation Care Centre (RCC) Sites at Humber River Health in Toronto, Canada is using the i-Vu Building Automation System to save energy and improve occupant comfort.

Pickering Manor Senior Living Facility
Carrier i-Vu BAS and VRF system combine for comfort, control & efficiency

Christian Health Care Center
Carrier controls and i-Vu® Building Automation System enhance comfort, efficiency at Christian Health Care Center

Shore Medical Center
Enhanced patient care, maximum equipment efficiency, LEED® certification & energy rebate at surgical pavilion

University Hospitals Ashtabula Health Center
Carrier delivers precise comfort for healthcare center in transformed mall retail space
Office Buildings

Canada’s first zero carbon office building relies on Carrier i-Vu® Building Automation System for comprehensive management of all building systems

Sigler Brea Sales Office
Connect™ Wi-Fi® commercial thermostats and Swarm Logic® seamlessly blend to create a ‘virtual’ building automation system

Listrak Corporate Headquarters
Carrier bundled solution provides efficiency, comfort and control for Listrak headquarters

Motorcars Toyota
Carrier rooftop units and Wi-Fi® thermostats win utility rebate, deliver efficient cooling

WPPI Energy
Integrated BACnet® control system helps WPPI Energy facility maximize efficiency and obtain LEED® Gold certification

UW Credit Union
Controls streamline management, conserve energy at UW Credit Union branches

Hawthorn Mall
Chiller plant and controls upgrade help reduce energy costs and ensure shopper comfort

Crate & Barrel
i-Vu® control system reduces energy costs and keeps Crate & Barrel customers comfortable, product-focused

Kensington High School
Sustainable comfort contributes to Pennsylvania’s first LEED® Platinum high school

Carrier University
i-Vu® Building Automation System delivers state-of-the-art comfort and efficiency at Carrier University Training Center
Special Applications

Sandusky State Theatre
Carrier WeatherMaker® rooftop units and i-Vu® controls combine to protect historic theatre preservation project assets.

Resurrection Center
Rooftop units and i-Vu® interface deliver efficient comfort at the Resurrection Center

Friends Center
Responsible comfort and LEED® platinum certification at historic Friends Center