Carrier Introduces Newly Designed WeatherExpert® Light Commercial Rooftops Now with Variable Air Volume
Carrier has released its newly designed variable air volume (VAV) WeatherExpert 48/50LC 6- to 23-ton packaged rooftop units; adding yet another comfort solution to the popular product line. Carrier, the world’s leader in high technology heating, air-conditioning and refrigeration solutions, is a part of UTC Climate, Controls & Security, a unit of United Technologies Corp. (NYSE: UTX).
The newly designed WeatherExpert VAV models, available from 23 tons down to 6 tons, use a dedicated i-Vu® controller that links communication between the system zone terminals and the unit to efficiently and comfortably adjust the air flow and compressor stages that are required.
The units have high integrated energy efficiency ratios and use a full-active evaporator coil to provide optimum cooling and dehumidification performance at all stages. Available in cooling only, cooling with gas heat and cooling with electric heat, these units also feature morning warm up or occupied heat capability, minimum and maximum economizer setting, supply air tempering, demand limiting and much more.
“This new WeatherExpert model now brings our total VAV rooftop offering from 150 tons all the way to 6 tons allowing yet another comfort solution for our customers,” said Chris Opie, marketing director, Carrier Commercial Systems. “The accompanying Carrier i-Vu® VAV zoning controls not only provide the needed communication to remote terminals, they provide a single source solution with field experience and tested designs.”
To learn more about Carrier’s new WeatherExpert VAV models from 6- to 23-tons, visit Follow the company on Twitter: @CarrierGreen.
About Carrier
Carrier is the world’s leader in high-technology heating, air-conditioning and refrigeration solutions. Carrier experts provide sustainable solutions, integrating energy-efficient products, building controls and energy services for residential, commercial, retail, transport and food service customers. Founded by the inventor of modern air conditioning, Carrier improves the world around us through engineered innovation and environmental stewardship. Carrier is a part of UTC Climate, Controls & Security, a unit of United Technologies Corp., a leading provider to the aerospace and building systems industries worldwide. Visit for more information or follow the company on Twitter: @CarrierGreen.