Ready for the newest additions to our AquaForce® line of chillers and heat pumps?
Purposefully designed to support your operational efficiency and environmental impact reduction goals, the newest additions to our flagship line of AquaForce chillers and heat pumps are coming soon! They are so much more than a move forward…they are a force for the future.
Coming Soon!
Connect with your local Carrier expert or provide your contact information for details as they become available.
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Optimized for
Designed specifically for ultra-low GWP PUREtec™ (HFO-1234ze(E)) and A1-rated R-515B refrigerants

Optimized for
Greenspeed® intelligence variable frequency drive (VFD) provides better seasonal efficiency and load matching

Optimized for
140°F (60°C) heating capability supports your heating decarbonization efforts