July 21, 2020

Let the Sun Shine! Solar Power System Mounts to TRU
There’s something new under the sun that’s sure to help fleet operations managers keep their cool about refrigeration unit reliability: a Carrier Transicold solar-powered transport refrigeration unit (TRU) battery charging system that delivers more power faster. The system is also the first of its kind to provide a custom fit on top of a Carrier Transicold trailer unit.
The new TRU-Mount Solar Charging System delivers 2.0 amps of power via ultrapure silicon cells combined with a high-performance charge controller.
“With a significantly smaller footprint than our prior solar panels, the new system provides up to 18% greater power delivery than the prior models for faster, more complete charging of a 12-volt TRU battery, helping ensure uninterrupted performance,” said Jason Forman, associate director, Sales & Marketing, Performance Parts, Carrier Transicold.

New Supra Truck Units Deliver More Powerful Refrigeration Capacities with Greater Efficiency
Three new models have been added to Carrier Transicold’s next-generation Supra™ series of diesel-powered truck refrigeration units, providing more powerful cooling choices for small to large box trucks. Joining the Supra S6 model that was introduced in 2019 are the S7, S8 and S9 models, providing solutions for trucks ranging from 10 to 28 feet in length.
Using about 50% less refrigerant, all four models provide greater cooling capacity at AHRI test points than prior models – up to 20% more, depending on model and operating conditions.
“These next-generation Supra units deliver improved capacities more efficiently, while using less fuel and refrigerant,” said Scott Parker, product manager, truck products, Carrier Transicold.
Reimagining the Cold Chain in a Post-Pandemic World
On June 26, Carrier marked World Refrigeration Day by taking part in a key industry event focused on the future of the cold chain and releasing a white paper reimagining the cold chain in a post-pandemic world. David Appel, president, Carrier Transicold & Refrigeration, Carrier, was the keynote presenter for the “Cold Chain 4 Life” conference, held in conjunction with World Refrigeration Day 2020. The international webinar conference was hosted by the World Refrigeration Day Secretariat, ASHRAE, European Partnership for Energy and Environment, International Institute of Refrigeration and UNEP OzonAction, in cooperation with Global Food Cold Chain Council.
“COVID-19 shines an even brighter spotlight on the cold chain and getting food and medicine to those most in need,” Appel said at the virtual conference. “Cold chain system resiliency has proven to be an essential element to supply availability. We see that in the life sciences segment, monitoring strict temperature compliance is mission-critical to the delivery of diagnostic test kits, clinical-trial materials and vaccines.”
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