HAP Sample Reports
Weather Reports
- Design Parameters: Lists inputs used to define design weather conditions for the building site and maximum solar flux for design days.
- Simulation Weather Summary: Provides a statistical summary of the hourly weather data used for energy modeling.
- Simulation Weather Profiles: Lists hourly simulation weather data for any range of days selected by the user.
- Simulation Temperature Profiles (Graphical): Graphs hourly DB and WB for any range of days selected by the user.
- Simulation Solar Profiles (Graphical): Graphs solar flux profiles for any range of days selected by the user.
System Design Reports
- Air System Sizing Summary: First of two primary design reports. Lists sizing results for central coils and fans.
- Zone Sizing Summary: Second of two primary design reports. Lists sizing results for zone airflow, reheat coils, mixing box fans, supplemental heating units and space airflow.
- Ventilation Sizing Summary: Provides results of ASHRAE Std 62.1 Ventilation Rate Procedure, or Sum of Space Requirements ventilation sizing analysis.
- Air System Heat Balance Summary: Provides heat balance data on a system level.
- Zone Heat Balance Summary: Provides heat balance data on a zone-by-zone basis.
- Space Heat Balance Summary: Provides heat balance data on a space-by-space basis.
- Hourly Air System Design Day Loads (Tabular): Provides hourly profiles of system performance for design days.
- Hourly Air System Design Day Loads (Graphical): Graphs hourly cooling and heating load profiles for design days.
- Hourly Zone Design Day Loads (Tabular): Provides hourly profiles of zone loads, temperature, humidity for design days.
- Hourly Zone Design Day Loads (Graphical): Graphs hourly profiles of zone loads for design days.
- System Psychrometrics (Tabular): Lists detailed system performance information for one design hour of the user's choosing.
- System Psychrometrics (Graphical): Plots system state points on a psychrometric chart.
Energy Analysis Reports
- Annual Cost Summary: Compares bottom line operating costs for two or more design alternatives.
- Annual Energy and Emissions Summary: Compares bottom line energy consumption data for two or more design alternatives.
- Annual Component Costs: Provides component cost data in tabular and graphical formats for one design alternative.
- Annual Energy Costs: Provides energy cost data in tabular and graphical formats for one design alternative.
- Energy Budget by System Component: Tabulates the energy budget according to system component energy use.
- Energy Budget by Energy Source: Tabulates the energy budget according to energy or fuel sources.
- Monthly Energy Costs: Provides monthly cost data by energy or fuel source in both tabular and graphical formats.
- Monthly Energy Use By System Component: Lists energy use by system component and energy or fuel source.
- Billing Details for Electric Meter: Documents the calculation of the utility bill for one energy or fuel source. Sample shows data for the electric meter.
- Use Profile for Electric Meter (Graphical): Plots hourly profile for total building energy or fuel use. Sample shows a profile for the electric meter.
- Monthly Air System Simulation Results (Tabular): Lists monthly and annual totals for system performance.
- Monthly Air System Simulation Results (Graphical): Plots monthly system performance.
- Daily Air System Simulation Results (Tabular): Lists daily totals for system performance.
- Daily Air System Simulation Results (Graphical): totals of system performance for one month.
- Hourly Air System Simulation Results (Tabular): Lists hourly profiles of system performance.
- Hourly Air System Simulation Results (Graphical): Plots hourly profiles of system performance for any range of days specified by the user.
- Zone Temperature Report: Provides statistics for hourly air temperatures in zones served by an air system.
- Monthly Plant Simulation Results (Tabular): Lists monthly and annual totals for plant performance.
- Monthly Plant Simulation Results (Graphical): Plots monthly plant performance.
- Daily Plant Simulation Results (Tabular): Lists daily totals for plant performance.
- Daily Plant Simulation Results (Graphical): Plots daily totals of plant performance for one month.
- Hourly Plant Simulation Results (Tabular): Lists hourly profiles of plant performance.
- Hourly Plant Simulation Results (Graphical): Plots hourly profiles of plant performance for any range of days specified by the user.