Carrier Unveils AquaEdge® 19DV Centrifugal Chiller with Environmentally Sustainable Refrigerant
SELANGOR, Malaysia -
Today, Carrier unveiled its latest innovation for Malaysian customers, the new AquaEdge® 19DV centrifugal chiller with Greenspeed® intelligence and PUREtecTM low Global Warming Potential (GWP) refrigerant. The breakthrough technology is now commercially available and delivers on customer demands for excellent performance, leading efficiency and environmental responsibility. Carrier, a world leader in high-technology heating, air-conditioning and refrigeration solutions, is a part of UTC Climate, Controls & Security, a unit of United Technologies Corp. (NYSE: UTX).
“We see our customers proactively striving to improve the sustainability and comfort of the built environment,” says Victor Yu, managing director, Carrier Malaysia. “Carrier has invested significantly over the years to innovate for our customers. The AquaEdge 19DV chiller is illustrative of our commitment to environmental stewardship and one that offers our customers a high-performance solution that meets their high expectations.”
Improvements in compression technology and integration of Greenspeed intelligence variable-speed technology enabled Carrier to significantly improve its centrifugal full- and part-load efficiencies. The result is the high-efficiency AquaEdge 19DV centrifugal chiller that saves energy costs and reduces environmental impact.
The advanced two-stage compressor was designed and optimized for refrigerant R-1233zd(E), which has a low GWP of 1.34. The compressor’s low-speed direct drive back-to-back design significantly improves efficiency while balancing internal forces, enabling the use of energy-saving ceramic bearings that utilize the refrigerant already in the chiller as lubricant.
High efficiency makes it an ideal energy-saving solution
The AquaEdge 19DV features advancements in refrigeration, mechanical design, aerodynamics and heat transfer to provide efficiency improvements of up to 7.0 COP full-load and 11.8 IPLV.IP as rated in accordance with and certified by AHRI 550/590-2015 at standard rating conditions. In particular, the back-to-back compressor offers excellent compression efficiency with an optimized design and simultaneously cuts down 75 percent of the mechanical transmission loss by using a high-speed direct driven motor, as compared to that driven by gears.
SmartView™ controls for intelligent chiller management
Equipped with Carrier’s latest achievement in SmartView intelligent controls, the AquaEdge 19DV allows users to easily track and analyze the chiller’s operational data, which helps to identify potential risks or areas for upgrading. The intuitive touch-screen user interface provides graphical trending and remote access capability and can be mounted on any corner of the machine. Its simplicity, flexibility and performance make the AquaEdge 19DV both easy to own and operate. The control system can also be linked to the user’s building automation system, enabling remote access to the chiller’s running data in real time.
High operational flexibility to respond to demanding situations
The AquaEdge 19DV adopts multiple technologies to optimize itself for robust operation in various demanding scenarios. For instance, the Greenspeed intelligence, together with the unique compressor design supports stable chiller operation at all times, even at 10 per cent part load. This means consistent performance during off-peak hours in office buildings where computers operate at night. Also, SmartView controls allow swift restart in just 30 seconds in case of an unexpected power failure. This is extremely important for businesses like data centers where downtime can negatively impact their operations and bottom line.
About Carrier
Founded by the inventor of modern air conditioning, Carrier is a world leader in high-technology heating, air-conditioning and refrigeration solutions and is a part of UTC Climate, Controls & Security, a unit of United Technologies Corp. (NYSE: UTX). Carrier experts provide sustainable solutions, integrating energy-efficient products, building controls and energy services for residential, commercial, retail, transport and food service customers. Carrier is a part of UTC Climate, Controls & Security, a unit of United Technologies Corp., a leading provider to the aerospace and building systems industries worldwide.